Friday, May 6, 2011

Luis Alberto Urrea: Las relaciones entre los Estados Unidos y México

Urrea usa su obra By the Lake of Sleeping Children para enseñar el lector sobre la gran diferencia entre las riquezas entre México y los Estados Unidos. Primeramente, describe la vida de las personas que vive en el dompe en Tijuana. Mientras estas personas viven una vida que es llena de pobreza y mal salud, el lector puede ver la humanidad de la caracterización de los protagonistas del cuento.
Urrea describe también Tijuana como una ciudad que tiene las razas mexicanas. Aunque hay una cultura mexicano, los Estados Unidos tienen una gran influencia también. Tijuana es un adicto al dinero de los Estados Unidos y tiene la influencia de ambos países. También el autor Muestra que el North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) no tenía el efecto positiva que los políticos planeaban.
El libro muestra la gran influencia de los misionarios a los pobres. Parece que las personas que viven en el dompe dependen mucho en los actos de compasión y caridad.
El autor describe mucho los problemas con la frontera entre los Estados Unidos y México. Es evidente que las leyes y reglas para evitar los inmigrantes ilegales que están viniendo a los Estados Unidos no se funcionan.

Las personas que viven en el dompe

El libro muestra la pobreza en el dompe de Tijuana. Es casi increíble creer que hay pobreza de esta magnitud solamente pocas millas de los Estados Unidos.
Las personas que están viviendo al lado al dompe usar la basura para sobrevivir. Es la fuente para la comida, las bebidas, y las cosas que usaron en la casa para cocinar y vivir. Por ejemplo, en una instancia, el hombre hace una casa cuando encuentra una caja de Maytag y construye una casa (Urrea 1996). Varias veces, describe las personas que encuentran latas de comida y describirla como si encuentra una mina de oro (Urrea 1996).
Hay muchos problemas físicos con las personas que viven al lado del dompe. El autor describe la falta de la sanitación y agua puro. No hay casas con los baños dentro. Las personas usan las facilidades para bañarse que tienen los misionarios. Es evidente que no hay una oportunidad para usarlas más que una vez a la semana (Urrea 1996).
Los problemas físicos y salud no son solos. Hay los grandes problemas con el peligro en el dompe. Las personas que están en el dompe cada día saben donde encuentran la basura que tiene el más valor. Es triste, porque, este es el lugar con el peligro más grande. Las maquinas como las excavadoras y los camiones son peligrosos cuando los conductores no pueden ver las personas buscando la basura que hace la diferencia en sus vidas. Por ejemplo, el autor describe con mucha detalle un niño que fue atropellado por un camión (Urrea 1996).
El autor describe con muchos detalles la tristeza de las personas que están viviendo en el dompe. Por seguro, es una tragedia, pero las protagonistas tienen un sentido de la familia y la gente que saben la manera de vida en este lugar. Por ejemplo, cuando el niño fue atropellado y se murió, toda la gente vienen juntos para consolar sus mismos (Urrea 1996). Toda la gente sabe que es una vida muy difícil pero podría ser más difícil sin la comunidad entero.

Tijuana como adicto al dinero de Los Estados Unidos
El autor cree que el North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) es uno de los errores grandes que los Estados Unidos y México han hecho. El intento de este acuerdo es hacer una vida mejor para las personas en los Estados Unidos y México. En realidad, es un desastre. Las empresas de los Estados Unidos eran los ganadores. Construyen las fábricas en la frontera de México y usaron la gente de México por labor barato. Las personas de México están dispuestos a trabajar por un salario mucho más bajo que las personas en los Estados Unidos. NAFTA era formado porque los beneficiaros podrían ir a la gente como las empresas, pero la gente no ha visto nada (Menéndez 2001).

Los misionarios
La gente del dompe tiene mucha ayuda desde los actos de los misionarios. Primariamente los misionarios son cristianos. Los cristianos ayudan a la gente del dompe con facilidades así que la gente puede bañarse. También proporcionan suministros médicos y tratamientos (Urrea 1996). Es evidente que muchas veces algunas personas están usando los misionarios simplemente para ganar los beneficiaros. Por ejemplo, el autor describe una mujer que comportarse muy bien cuando los misionarios son presentes, pero cuando se fueron, ella regresa a la mala persona (Urrea 1996).
El autor su mismo era misionario y este libro es una resulto de sus labores. Sus experiencias de misionario da los eventos y factos que Urrea usó para escribir este libro (Urrea 1996). Hay muchos personas cree que la gente no podría sobrevivir sin los actos de los misionarios (Andreas 2009).

La frontera y los inmigrantes ilegales de los Estados Unidos
El autor cree que la economía de México y los Estados Unidos va a sufrir con la ausencia de los inmigrantes ilegales. Cree que el dinero que está viniendo desde los Estados Unidos al México desde los trabajadores ilegales forma un gran porciento de la economía mexicano (Urrea 1996). También en su libro Border Games, Peter Andreas cree que podrían ser 20 porciento (Andreas 2009).
El libro dice también que los Estados Unidos van a un gran efecto negativo si los trabajadores ilegales se fueron. Cree que las empresas que venden las frutas y vegetales no podrían existir sin el trabajador migrante (Urrea 1996).
El autor cree que los esfuerzos de los Estados Unidos para evitar los inmigrantes ilegales desde el entrar son ridículos. Es casi imposible guardar la frontera sin una gran cuantidad de dinero. El libro tiene un ejemplo de otras personas que son de países diferentes que tienen la misma creencia. Un grupo de personas de alemán dijeron que, “Tuvimos una pared como eso, pero la derribaron”. Peter Andreas cree también que es una imposibilidad mantener la frontera (Andreas 2009).

Las personas que viven en el dompe tienen una vida que es difícil con mucho peligro. Las condiciones para vivir una vida con mucha salud no son en este lugar. Aunque sea, el autor muestra la humanidad en las acciones interpersonal entre la gente del dompe y los misionarios.
Mientras las personas de México dependen mucho en los Estados Unidos, el autor usa muchos ejemplos que también los Estados Unidos dependen mucho en la gente de México. Particularmente, los trabajadores migrantes son importantes a muchas empresas de los Estados Unidos. La reforma de NAFTA es un desastre y no sirve nada para la pobreza de México.
En el final, es fácil ver que los esfuerzos para mantener la frontera no son trabajando. El libro es instrumental para los lectores ver los problemas que tienen entre México y los Estados Unidos.


Andreas, Peter. (2009). Border games: policing the U.S.-Mexico divide. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.
Bowden, Charles. (2010). Murder city ciudad Juárez and the global economy´s new killing fields. New York, NY: Nation Books.
Fernández Menéndez, Jorge. (2001). El otro poder. México, D.F.: Aguilar.
Quinones, Sam. (2009). State of war. Foreign Policy, 171(Mar-Apr), 76.
Urrea, Luis Alberto. (1996). By the Lake of Sleeping Children. New York, New York: Doubleday.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

El Tema de la venganza en "Emma Zunz" de Borges --- Clinton Charles Van Nocker

Clinton Charles Van Nocker
Michigan State University

¿Cómo se maneja el tema de la venganza en “Emma Zunz” de Borges?

En el catorce de entero de 1922 Emma recibió una carta que cambiará su vida. Su padre se había suicidado en Brasil mientras estaba en la cárcel. Todavía Emma estaba trabajando en la fábrica que su padre era castigado por “el desfalco del cajero”. Cuando el cuento comienza, Emma era una persona que tenía mucha inocencia del mundo y tenía diecinueve años. Era una persona que había preferido no pensar en su pasado. Ahora las cosas cambiarán porque Emma nunca ha creído que su padre era culpable del crimen. Creyó que Aaron Loewenthal era culpable, quien antes era gerente de la fábrica, pero ahora era uno de los dueños. Emma quiere venganza de Loewenthal. Esos elementos muestran la injusticia de ese tiempo y todas las cosas que cambian en la vida de Emma. La venganza supone siempre una reparación, un intercambio de daño por daño, más la venganza de Emma permanece en secreto. En el cuento, la venganza se intercambia por el crimen yuxtaponiendo dos marcos legales.
Borges es brillante porque demuestra dos partes de la venganza y las leyes legales. El primero pre moderno muestra que la venganza individual es aceptable, y el segundo, moderno, donde una persona que está matando a otra es en contra de las leyes legales. El cuento permitamos buscar en las diferencias a hace nuestro decisión propio entre la moralidad de las consecuencias. Borges está escribiendo este cuento a contracorriente venganza, aunque conservándolos, los vínculos entre la acción de venganza y los elementos justificados por los actos de Loewenthal[1]. Las referencias son numerosas que aparecen en varios niveles del cuento que permitirán a la persona que está leyéndolo tomar consideración de la acción vengadora. Este es la paradoja del cuento Emma Zunz. La narración de venganza, al igual que la del crimen, supone una articulación de varias ordenas. La venganza, a diferencia del crimen, supone un intercambio o subyace a la venganza la idea de justicia o, de reparación o retribución. [2]
Esta relación entre Loewenthal, el ofensor, y Emma Zunz, el vengador, da la ironía y hace las complicaciones éticas en contra de la tragedia de venganza. Ambos personajes están iguales en sus acciones. Ambos han matados a una persona para beneficiar de sus propias vidas. En comparación de ambos nos preguntamos. ¿Está justificado las acciones de Emma Zunz? Mientras sabemos no es incorrecto matar a otra persona, Borges nos está dando la razón para apoya a Emma Zunz en contra Loewenthal. Borges permite la tensión para montar en el tiempo perfecto del cuento. Por ejemplo, en el principio del cuento cuando Emma es huérfano porque del suicidio de su padre es terrible. La tensión es muy fuerte cuando aprendemos del fraude de Loewenthal. En el parte primero, la persona que lee la obra puede ver los sentimientos de venganza, pero es más difícil ver la justificación para matar a Loewenthal. Era terrible que su padre estuviera en la cárcel pero el crimen de desfalco del cajero no tiene una sentencia de cadena perpetua en la cárcel. El suicido de su padre este está cambiando casi todo. Aparece que el tiempo en la cárcel era una sentencia de cadena perpetua. La tensión en el cuento está creciendo. Cuando Emma da su virginidad para completar su objeto final el lector del cuento sabe los pasos que Emma está dispuesto a tomar para matar Loewenthal. Estos pasos hace el lector pensar en la justificación de los actos de Emma. Por el final debemos preguntar a tomar una decisión final sobre las acciones de Emma. ¿Son los actos justificados o no?
La venganza en este cuento no es una acción que es justificado. A pesar de que Loewenthal es matado por Emma no cambia la situación que ella tiene. Todavía es huérfano, todavía no tiene dinero y ahora probablemente necesita encontrar un trabajo nuevo. Sabemos que Emma da la virginidad a un extranjero marinero por su venganza. ¿Necesitamos nos pregunta que vale la pena? ¿Cómo grande es el precio de su consciencia? Eventualmente muchas personas verán que los actos tienen más consecuencias que el valor de la venganza. Sabemos los actos de Emma va sin descubrimiento, pero sabemos que ella no está feliz. Hay algunas personas que son psicópatas y no tiene los efectos de sus consciencias. No tiene un sentido personal que es un sentimiento de culpable. Sin embargo, sabemos que Emma es una persona buena y eventualmente sentirá los efectos de sus acciones.
Hay una comparación entre la venganza y las acciones legales en Emma Zunz. Los sentimientos presentan acciones que están yuxtaponiendo. Borges nos permite interpretar la acción criminal con la acción vengativa. Es interesante ver la tensión que está creciendo desde Emma lee la carta hasta ella ha a matado Loewenthal. La tragedia comienza con la muerte del padre de Emma, la inocencia de Emma, el muerte de Lowenthal y el final sabemos que Emma ha cambiado por siempre y no por el mejor. En el final, Borges es brillante por nos dando el sacrificio de todos los personajes en el cuento. Todos los personajes perdían todo que ellos tenían.

[1] Pabón Villamizar, Gabriel. La venganza como una de las bellas artes . Santafé de Bogotá, D.C: Editorial Letra Escarlata, 1998
[2] McAdam, Alfred. ""Emma Zunz" Revisted". Rom Rev 98 no2/3 May 2007: 237-248.

La casa de Bernarda Alba y El delantal blanco -- Clinton Charles Van Nocker

Clinton Charles Van Nocker
Michigan State University

En las obras La casa de Bernarda Alba y El delantal blanco ambas forman los importantes aspectos de mantener las apariencias en la sociedad de esta época. Las obras son llenas con la presión mantener las apariencias de las clases altas. También las obras muestran la tristeza que viene desde el trabajo mantener la idea de una vida con riquezas y efectivamente muestran este aspecto y a través de esta obsesión.
El delantal blanco muestra el cambio de la ropa hace que la Empleada se transforme en la Señora, y la Señora en la Empleada. La criada es muy sencilla en su propia vida. No tiene dinero, pero tiene ideas fundamentales de una vida buena. Es muy sencilla también en sus ideas de felicidad. En el principio, la obra muestra el problema del hijo, Alvarito, de la Señora cuando identifica a él como un “Tan peleador…”. La criada conoce que Alvarito es mimado y no le gusta su actitud. Cree que un hijo no podría tener la actitud mala. Cuando ellos se cambian de ropa, la Empleada adapta la actitud de la Señora. En el principio no importante las riquezas y la clase alta para ella. En contraste, la Señora tiene las ideas opuestas. La importancia a ella es tener objetas lujas y la apariencia de riquezas. Cree que Alvarito es como su papa y muestra la actitud mimado y no tiene problemas con esto. También creen que si su marido puede provenir una vida con riquezas ella está dispuesta a sacrificar una relación con felicidad y amor verdad por una vida con un nivel clase alta que cree tiene un lugar en la sociedad con respeto.
El parte más interesante en esta obra es cuando la Señora y la Empleada cambiar sus posiciones porque la Empleada y la Señora cambian de ropa. Inmediatamente la Empleada toma el parte de la Señora. La Empleada comienza a tratar la Señora con una falta de respeto. Comienza a notar cosas que no eran importantes para ella antes. Por ejemplo, se da cuenta de las uñas no están debidamente atendidas. No habla con respeto a la Señora cuando estaba la Empleada. Se pone la ropa y gafas de sol de la Señora y está transformada. Es aperiente que el nivel de clase es importante a ella también.
La casa de Bernarda Alba también muestra clase es importante a todos. Bernarda Alba es una mujer que recientemente tiene un marido que se murió. Tiene una familia que tiene gran respeto al pueblo que viva. Muestra su poder por el principio, cuando ella entraba la casa después del funeral y gritó, “¡Silencio!” Las mujeres de luto respetan a ella y muestra el respeto con su nivel de clase en el pueblo. Bernarda es una mujer que apariencias son todos. A lo largo de la obra, siempre está hablando de las personas del pueblo que no tiene un nivel en la sociedad como la familia de ella. No cree que haya un hombre en el pueblo que es lo suficientemente bueno para sus hijas. Es interesante porque constante necesita señalar los defectos de todas las personas afuera de la casa a demonstrar su superioridad.
Bernarda cree que está en controlado de todo. Si puede tener controlar de su casa cree todo será bien. Bernarda cree que si las hijas demuestren un periodo de luto las apariencias se mantendrá en orden en ambos el pueblo y dentro su propia casa. Mientras las apariencias parecen buenas a Bernarda no puede ver la presión que está creciendo en la casa. Bernarda cree que la pasión de sus hijas que desean Pepe Romano y la compañía de un hombre no están respetables. Las apariencias se rompen cuando Adela su hija menor comité suicido. En el final Bernarda todavía necesita mantener su obsesión con apariencias cuando grito, ¡Mi hija ha muerto virgen! No quiere los vecinos saber que Adela tiene las relaciones inapropiadas con Pepe.
Es interesante ver la importancia de las apariencias en la sociedad en ambas obras. Es evidente también que los autores quieren dar una lección para las personas que creen que simplemente tener un mayor nivel de clase mejor no es una indicación de la felicidad. Los dramaturgos muestran que no hay felicidad con las riquezas y apariencias de la clase alta. Muestran el opuesto, que la presión demonstrar cosas que son superficiales tienen la destrucción de la felicidad verdad. Las obras muestran que la búsqueda de la felicidad a través de la riqueza solamente puede ofrecer una vida de tristeza.

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Irish Republican Army - Clinton Van Nocker

Clinton Charles Van Nocker
CJ-838-730 Terrorism

Prepared for Issues in Terrorism, Summer, 2010
Clinton Charles Van Nocker



Since its emergence in 1919, the Irish Republican Army (IRA) was the most well known terrorist group of the 20th century. By using bombings, kidnapping for ransom, and sophisticated intelligence tactics, they were able to commit terrorist acts against the United Kingdom. This paper serves to outline the background, origin, terrorist tactics, and eventual dissolution of the IRA. It will argue that furthering the education of individual terrorist groups and the general public will cause each group to focus on one another’s similarities rather than their differences. By following these steps, terrorism can be greatly diminished in the world today.

The Irish Republican Army is one of the oldest terrorist groups in modern history, developing as early as 1917 (Rapaport 2003). Interestingly, since 1998 a ceasefire between the IRA and Great Britain remains in effect and appears to be stable and functioning. The IRA began as small group of individuals and evolved into a complex organization that operated until the late-1990s. By studying the history of the IRA, we can learn how it is possible to demonstrate how a terrorist organization can change from a group which extracts violence and terror, to a group with political standing without the need to commit heinous acts to advance their agenda. Causing terrorist groups to recognize similarities between groups with different beliefs rather than their differences will serve to greatly diminish terrorism in the world today.

Background, Origin and Affiliations
England and Ireland have had a long history of conflict dating back to the 11th and 12th centuries (McKinley 1985). Two main factors have contributed to the differences between the countries. First of all, the Irish sought to be a unilaterally independent country free of British rule. Secondly, the monarchy of England and the majority of its subjects practice the Protestant faith, while the majority of Irish people primarily follow Catholicism (Patterson 2010). This caused many problems between the countries because the Irish feared they would lose their identity as a country, and their ability to worship freely.
While the leadership of Ireland has had many leaders, Michael Collins, who was born in 1890, formed the Irish Republican Army in 1919 (Patterson 2010). Unsatisfied with Great Britain’s tight-fisted rule over Ireland, Collins began fighting against the English Army using guerilla warfare tactics. These campaigns also included acts of assassination, bombings, and arms smuggling (Patterson 2010).
Collins used his influence with the British Government to enter into a peace treaty with England in 1921. That same year, while returning home from peace treaty discussions in a motorcade, Collins’ group was ambushed. He was the sole casualty and lost his life to an unnamed assailant (Patterson 2010). In his article, Irish Mist: Eight Clouded Views of the Provisional Irish Republican Army, McKinley opined that Collins’ death was a direct result of the peace treaty. Many of the Irish were upset with the compromise Collins negotiated. Those who were against the treaty argued he did not achieve adequate future representation with Great Britain in Parliament that many members of IRA thought they deserved. However, the compromise was largely negotiated by Collins because of a lack of financial support from the Irish citizens of the United States of America and other countries. Collins depended largely on financial contributions from Irish Americans because of the lack of funds from Irish citizens. McKinley believes Collins had come to realize that support from other countries such as the United States of America was not going to be the assistance Collins and the IRA once believed. Collins also believed the IRA could not sustain a lengthy fight with the British due to the Army’s overwhelming size and resources (McKinley 1985).
From meager beginnings, the IRA rose to over 15,000 members in the late 1980s and early 90s. It is now believed to be disbanded with no acts of terror related directly to them since the peace treaty negotiated by Sinn Fein named, “Good Friday”, was signed in 1998 (Patterson 2010).
Sinn Fein is the oldest political party in Ireland. The group’s name, Sinn Fein, is an Irish expression which translated from Gaelic means “we ourselves”. This group was formed in the hope of establishing Ireland as a sovereign independent country which continues to seek an end of British rule in Ireland. Their stated desire is to transform Ireland into an independent, peaceful nation that advances the education of its youth, assures the well being of its aged, and provides liberation to its women and protection of their children. While Sinn Fein rarely comments on the IRA and its operations, they do say they are committed to peace without violence. Many, however, believe the IRA is the clandestine military wing of Sinn Fein (Dutter 1998).

History and Ideology
The first organized police force was implemented in Great Britain in 1829. With over 80 years of improving their policing practices, intelligence gathering became part of the duties of the police in the United Kingdom and allowed them to establish a “Secret Service” to monitor activities of the IRA and create methods to counteract their terrorist activities (Clutterbuck 2010).
The IRA was one of the first terrorist groups of the modern era to use guerrilla warfare tactics against their enemy. In Clutterbuck’s article, Countering Irish Republican Terrorism in Britain: Its Origin as a Police Function, she attributes forming England’s Secret Service to combat a series of bombing attacks and guerrilla warfare tactics that were attributable to the IRA (Clutterbuck 2010).
Over the years the IRA became successful in obtaining large amounts of military intelligence. This information was gathered through the involvement of the IRA’s soldiers and non-soldiers alike. For example, by establishing a “Grass Roots” base of ordinary Irish citizens, the IRA was able to track the daily activities of leaders of the English Army and police force in order to carry out assassinations (Ilardi 2010).
Although the IRA was often characterized as inept and unorganized, this is not the case. McKinley points out that although there are instances where IRA soldiers were killed in accidents, or friendly fire, the IRA was more than competent in carrying out its terrorist attacks. He cites the murdering of Lord Mountbatten, the Queen of England’s cousin, and on two occasions it breached the security around the Queen herself with planted bombs later discovered and disarmed. Furthermore, Margaret Thatcher, former Prime Minister of Great Britain, was found to have internal security breaches by members of the IRA that could have cost the country her life (McKinley 1985).

Modern Terrorism and the IRA
In his article, The Four Waves of Modern Terrorism, Rapaport defines the transgression of modern terrorism in four parts. The first wave is defined as “Anarchist” which occurred from the 1880s to the 1920s. This wave is aptly demonstrated by the emergence of Russian anarchists who were able to form groups to fight against the established governments by traveling via railways and communicating through the use of newspapers and the teletype.
The second wave, the “Anticolonial Wave” operated from the 1920s to the 1960s. The best example the author gives is the Versailles Peace Treaty concluding with World War I. This treaty allowed the victors to believe they could apply the principle of national self-determination to break up the empires of the defeated states that were primarily in Europe.
The IRA was a group that sought to gain its independence during the 1920s and had limited success. Terrorist tactics changed from a focus on assassinations to the elimination of the police. Hit and run guerilla-like measures were taken against local police establishments to overthrow police agencies. England responded by replacing the police with military units.
From 1960s to 1979 the author identifies a “New Left Wave”. This third wave was brought about by the Vietnam War. The Viet Cong’s primitive weapons against the American’s modern technology rekindled radical hopes that the contemporary and powerful systems were vulnerable. Many terrorist groups were formed at this time, such as the Western German Red Army Faction, the Italian Red Brigades, and in the east, the Japanese Red Army. Again, terrorist’s techniques changed. Kidnappings were more frequently used by these groups for advancement of their cause. Also at this time, the abandoned practice from the Anarchist’s methods of assassination was revived. For example, in 1970, the IRA murdered Lord Montbatten.
The final wave is defined as the “Religious Wave”. This can be most aptly demonstrated by the terrorist groups formed in light of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center. The author forecasts that this Religious wave could disappear by 2025 and a new wave could take its place if the pattern of the three previous waves continues.
Although most groups exist throughout one wave, Rapaport writes that occasionally an organization can survive its original wave and hold on to essentially the same values by which it was formed and endure through the next eras. The IRA, for example, is the oldest modern terrorist organization with roots that begin in 1916. It has gone through each wave with little change in the goals for change it originally set forth (Rapport 2003). Throughout its existence, the IRA’s tactics may have changed, but its ideology and goals for change remained the same.

Military Tactics and Intelligence
The IRA’s most useful weapon in committing terrorists’ acts was the intelligence that lead up to the attack. The IRA had the advantage over most terrorist groups because their members could blend into society without being identified by their race or color of their skin. By using this advantage, they were able to follow their targets virtually undetected. The IRA did not find it difficult to follow British soldiers and police officers to their homes and places of work. Oftentimes, the IRA would follow a target for a period of weeks in order to establish a pattern of behavior. The IRA would learn if a target would visit a bakery or store on a daily basis. Simple consistent stops would create an opportunity for an attack (Ilardi 2010).
Besides individual attacks, the IRA used bombings, assassinations and kidnappings as tactics to further their cause. Because the Irish are considered British Citizens they are able to hold jobs, live and blend into large cities like London, Birmingham or Liverpool, all of which have been subject to the IRA’s attacks. This served as a great advantage for the IRA to further its cause (Ilardi 2010).

Funding of the IRA
Certainly, terrorist groups need financing in order to survive. Many groups rely on ransom for kidnapping, extortion, and donations from its supporters. Most recently, the internet acts as the most lucrative manner of raising donations to the terrorists cause. Because internet sites can be quickly established and just as quickly shut down, the fountain of donations from people and groups who sympathize with the terrorist objectives has proven itself invaluable (Zanini & Edwards 2003).
The IRA has steadfastly stated they had no involvement with drugs; however, there are many who believe the IRA resorted to the drug trade to raise money for their cause. There remains no clear link between the IRA and drugs. The one clear example where the IRA was accused of selling marijuana to further its cause and was later refuted. A man was arrested outside of Dublin and the police associated him with the IRA when he was found delivering a large truck load of cannabis. After he was arrested, he was severely beaten by republican prisoners for his acts while in custody (McKinley 1985).
Further funding was achieved by the Libyan Government. The IRA claimed to have received approximately five million dollars from Muammar Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi, the leader of Libya since 1969. Gaddafi has confirmed this claim (McKinley 1985).
The Palestine Liberation Army (PLO) at one time pledged support to the IRA. There have also been suggested links to the Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA), which is a terrorist group in the Basque region of Spain (Zanini and Edwards 2003).
Further, the IRA has received monies from kidnapping for ransom, which has been a very lucrative method for raising money by terrorists world-wide. From 1968 to 1982 there were 409 international kidnapping incidents, yielding 951 hostages. This practice “earned” 350 million dollars by all terrorist groups combined (Rapaport 2003). As heinous as these crimes are, it is not difficult to see why these tactics are utilized.
Much of the money to support the IRA comes from Irish and Irish Americans in the United States. Many have donated money by embracing the idea that it supports the Catholic Religion (McKinley 1985).
Because the IRA has essentially been inactive since the late 90s, technology did not play a major role as a force multiplier to advance their cause. Today websites exist that attempt to raise money for splinter groups such as the New Irish Republican Army (Zanini & Edwards 2003).

Media as a Force Multiplier for the IRA
The media has always played a significant role in the advancement of the IRA. One of the greatest examples of the IRA utilizing the media to advance its cause was the hunger strike of Robert Gerard Sands, commonly known as Bobby Sands. Sands was arrested for weapons charges in 1972. This arrest was directly related to his involvement with the IRA. Although he was released in 1976, he was arrested again within six months following a bomb attack on a furniture factory in Dunmurry. This was followed by a gun battle in which two men were wounded (Dutter 1988).
To protest against the British Government and its prison system, Sands went on a hunger strike while serving time in prison after his second conviction. International media coverage brought a great deal of attention to his actions, and the IRA found a new surge of recruitment and worldwide praise and criticism. Sands died as a result of his strike in 1981. From that point on, Sands was regarded as a martyr to the IRA and his death brought continued attention to the IRA movement worldwide (White 2008). Following Sands’ death, the international media covered the bombings in Belfast in 1988 and several other skirmishes from the late 1980s and early 1990s.
While at times the media can be criticized for furthering the cause of a terrorist group by focusing on attacks and bringing more attention to its actions, the opposite occurred with the IRA. After the media’s focus on IRA attacks, the media turned its attention to peace talks between the United Kingdom and the IRA. The media was instrumental in the final cease fire and arms disbandment in 1994 (Neumann 2005).

The Dissolution of the IRA
The IRA is unique because the ceasefire and dissolution of the group has remained intact since the mid 1990s. This disarmament and disbanding was brought about by many factors. The most important aspect of the conclusion was the removal of the IRA’s fear of change. The IRA has had the continual apprehension that continued British Rule would affect their religion and way of life. Members of the IRA wanted to govern themselves and felt they had no voice with the political system in Great Britain. Religion was also very important to the IRA, and they wanted the Catholic Church to retain its foothold in Ireland.
As they became more active in politics, they soon found they were a lot less different from their British and Protestant neighbors than they once believed (White 2008). As the members of the IRA became more active in society, they found their message could reach more people through political ties. They found that in order to garner votes to be represented in Britain and their own country, they would have to seriously consider popular public opinion. While there may have been groups outside the IRA who supported their ideology, few of these supporters condoned terrorist acts (Neumann 2005). By bringing people together in a non-violent arena to express their views, the result can cause an individual to consider another’s way of life and viewpoint. By seeing someone as their neighbor, an individual can begin to focus on the similarities of their countrymen and women rather than focusing on the differences.

Worldwide terrorism could be greatly diminished by examining the rise and fall of the IRA. Islamic terrorism shares many of the same problems as the IRA.
The IRA was one of the oldest terrorist groups that existed during the 20th century. By continually garnering support from their countrymen, and later persons worldwide, they were able to survive changes in belief systems that normally resulted in the dissolution of most groups.
The IRA succeeded in carrying out their acts by using intelligence from their members to further their cause. Funding was supplied through both terrorist acts such as kidnapping for ransom and by donations from people and governments both in and outside of Ireland.
The IRA used media as their primary force multiplier to further their cause. The hunger strike of Bobby Sands was instrumental in presenting their message to a worldwide audience.
In the end, the IRA was disbanded and disarmed largely due to discovering their message could be furthered more effectively by peaceful means.
The fear of losing ties to their religion is a chief concern to Islamic terrorists. The extremists believe the differences between their religion and others create a chasm too wide to cross.
If groups who oppose each other would take the time to educate themselves about their enemies’ way of life they would begin to see the similarities in their beliefs rather than their differences. By taking these steps toward education, terrorism could be greatly diminished in the world today.


Clutterbuck, L. (2010). Countering Irish Republican Terrorism in Britain: Its Origin as a Police Function. Terrorism and Political Violence (18)1. 95-118.

Dutter, L. (1988). Changing Elite Perceptions of the Northern Irish Conflict, 1973-1983. Political Psychology, 9(1). 129-154.

Ilardi, G. J. (2010). IRA Operational Intelligence: The Heartbeat of the War. Small Wars & Insurgencies, 21(2), 331-358.

McKinley, M. (1985). Irish Mist: Eight Clouded Views of the Provisional Irish Republican Army. The Australian Quarterly, 57(3), 203-213.

Neumann, P. (2005). The Bullet and the Ballot Box: The Case of the IRA. The Journal of Strategic Studies (28)6. 941-975.

Patterson, H. (2010). Sectarianism Revisited: The Provisional IRA Campaign in a Border Region of Northern Ireland. Terrorism and Political Violence, 17(3), 337-356.

Rapoport, David C (2003). The Four Waves of Modern Terrorism. 46-72.

White, Robert. (2008). Structural Identity Theory and the Post-Recruitment Activism of Irish Republicans: Persistence, Disengagement, Splits, and Dissidents in Social Movement Organizations. Indiana University-Perdue University Indianapolis. 341-370.

Zanini, M., & Edwards, S.J.A. (2003). The Networking of terror in the information age. Networks and Netwars: The Future of Terror, Crime, and Militancy. 29-60.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Clinton Charles Van Nocker - Technology

Technology is extremely important across today’s legal landscape. One of the goals of our law firm is to be able to practice law throughout the United States and the World. Our best case scenario would be able to practice law without the borders that currently hold us to certain jurisdictions.
One of the greatest barriers we will face will be the Court’s unwillingness to change its current culture and structure. Some members of the Court believe that by allowing participants to argue or testify in the comforts of their own office or home will deter pre-trial resolutions. Many matters are settled prior to trial simply because of the great amount of effort and time required to physically go to the Court and attend a hearing or pre-trial conference. By waiting for a matter to be heard the parties are almost always forced to consider the possibility of a compromise.
While we understand the concern of those opposed to our view, we are certain we can show the Court the streamlined effect of efficient operations. There will be substantial savings to the Court without the need to continually expand courthouses. For example, we have recently been involved in a case in Joliet, Illinois in Will County. The Will County Courthouse has vastly exceeded its ability to deal with District and Circuit Court matters efficiently. Each morning there are hundreds of people who line up outside the Court in order to resolve their issues before the Court. There is talk of building a new courthouse to ease the burden upon the court that is the result of a county that is rapidly growing. If these matters could be handled through the use of online video technology it would be unnecessary to build a new courthouse.
Many argue that technology would prohibit a matters resolution prior to trial. We would be able to demonstrate that by streamlining the operations of the matters there would be more resources available to have matters resolved by a trial. There will certainly be a slow transgression toward the Virtual Courthouse. We are pleased to see that currently most Courts utilize a video system for prisoners who are being arraigned. Electronic filing has become a standard in the US Federal Courts and is rapidly becoming available throughout US State Courts. We look forward to the utilization of video technology for motion hearings and pre-trial conferences.
While progression may be slow, we intend on keeping up with the latest technologies to ensure that our execution remains at the highest level through efficient operations. By doing this we hope to change the minds of those who oppose the change in their current culture and structure.

Employee Retention
Hiring and retaining the best possible employees and lawyers is fundamental to the continued success of our law firm. Employees today have more choices than ever before in the pursuit of their careers.
One of the greatest barriers we will face will be the inability to offer key employees the flexibility to work outside of the 8am to 5pm time frame. While we may be able to offer them employment outside of the office, technology has not reached its maximum potential. Those who work in the court system typically are only available to communicate with our office between the hours of 8:30am to 4:30pm. We know the culture is changing, but it is uncertain whether it will change enough to offer potential key office employees employment on nights and weekend. We will continually address the concerns and move toward our desire to operate in a

Employee Education
Continued education of employees is the key to continued success of a law firm. Not educating our firm’s lawyers and support personnel would greatly affect our ability to remain competitive in the future years to come.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A Flat Tire

For those who didn’t know. Andrew, Isaiah and I had had flat tire on the way to Howell today. Isaiah Dalman will be a Senior for the greatest college basketball team in the world, Michigan State University. He is completing his second year at our firm as an intern.

When we took off this morning late and in a hurry, I noticed the light had once again come on for a low tire. I filled up the tire on Sunday afternoon and it went out. It had come on last winter and I had done the same and it cured the problem up until Sunday. As we drove along, Andrew was using his Black Berry for the first twenty minutes of the ride (big surprise). Isaiah was nearly sleeping in the back because of his intense workout this morning. (The young man has the arms of an octopus and was bench pressing almost two hundred pounds that morning and for some reason thought that was a big deal.) The further we got down the road, the more the car began to shake. After we were nearing Stockbridge it was really vibrating but I was content to ignor it. Andrew looked over at me and said, “What do you think all that shaking is about?” I said, “I think our tire is low on air”. Truly like minds had come together to solve a world changing problem. After that, the car filled with the aroma of rubber burning at a rather accelerated rate. Andrew said, “I think we should stop”. I insisted we had “Run Flat” tires and we could make it. We had to be in Court and were already running behind. As we moved along it became more than apparent we were not going to make it to Howell with four tires in tact. We exited at the Stockbridge exit and after driving around the immense parking lot I eventually found the “Air Dispenser” (Really, Isaiah noticed it right away, but I went in and asked the cashier for directions.) After seventy five cents and four minutes of no luck of raising a mangled tire I told the guys we were going to have to change the tire. All the while, a lady in a car not too far away was watching us intently. Andrew and I took off our suit coats and Isaiah took off his shirt to reveal an awesome “Wife Beater” tee shirt. We tore apart the trunk and began the process of installing a doughnut where a tire should be. Each one of us had suggestions. I suggested the lug nuts should be loosened before jacking it up. With the direction of Andrew and Myself, we got Isaiah to turn the lug wrench in the proper direction. After years of spending time on the farm, I was quick to point out my qualifications for tire changing by saying, “Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosey” in order to loosen the lug bolts. Andrew was quick to point out his expertise in that he had changed two tires in the last year (evidentially the threshold for an expert is not that high for tire changing.) Isaiah was in great spirits the entire time because it was his first tire changing experience. If anyone has problems with optimism they should spend a day with Isaiah. He was quick to tell all his friends after the miraculous event via mobile phone that he had changed a tire for the first time today and it was a great and rewarding experience. In his words, he was becoming a “Veteran”. I guess when you compare the experience of Andrew, he would be deemed an expert as well. As we began to change the tire, I was watching the lady behind us. She was intently watching the progression of the tire changing experience. After the car fell off the jack, (yes it fell right off the jack and didn’t run us over), she felt as if she could offer us some words of wisdom. She drove over to us and rolled down her window. She immediately asked if we had done this before. (Andrew was a vetran, I had spend every summer and weekend until I was seventeen on a farm, COME ON, I thought to myself). She told us we needed to make sure the car was jacked beneath the frame of the car. After I thanked her for her words of expertise a moment of silence passed between us all. Then came the quote of the week, (It is only Tuesday, but I think it will stand). Andrew immediately looked up from his crouched position, tire iron in hand and said,

“Can’t she see there are already enough Chiefs on the Job.”
Look to this blog to find the Abood Law Firm "Quote of the Week".

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Life in Court

Went to Court yesterday to watch Andrew P. Abood argue with Michael Nichols in and Evidentiary Hearing regarding an Operating While Intoxicated charge. Essentially, the Defendant was charged with Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated. The interesting thing about the case was the Defendant was sitting behind the steering wheel of the vehicle while the engine was running.

At first glance, many people have the belief that a person can be deemed as operating a vehicle when they sit behind the wheel of a parked car with the engine running. It is important to take some time to form your own beliefs. The Supreme Court of Michigan has heard several cases in this regard. In People v Wood, People v Burton and People v Spencley, Michigan Courts have consistently held that in order to operate a motor vehicle, the Defendant has to put the vehicle in motion.

Essentially, the idea of the hearing was a Motion by the Defense Attorneys to suppress the evidence which the prosecutor is relying on to win their case. Upon cross examination by Abood, the arresting officer was forced to admit he did not follow his own departmental procedures while determining if there was probable cause for the arrest. The officer's department requires that an individual must be observed for a period of fifteen minutes before they are given a Chemical Test or a Preliminary Breath Test. Since the officers recorded the arrest with a camera from two squad cars, it was evident to see this requirement had not been met.

The case has been continued. It will be interesting to see the outcome.